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How Karma Group uses location information

Karma Group uses your device’s location services to understand where our guests are going. Location data helps improve our guest services, as it shows us what our guests are interested in, where they like to go and with this information we can adapt our services and offers and promotions.

By using your Android or iOS device, and location collection is enabled, we may collect location information from the time you open the Karma app, this includes when your app is not visible on screen.

If you disable location collection, you can still use the Karma app, but you might miss out on some awesome offers and promotions! Location information will be collected by Karma and linked to your account, even if you have disabled location services for your app.

You can manage location settings on your device. To do this, open your device’s Settings, find your location permissions for Karma, and toggle location “on” or “off”.

We treat your location information confidential and we will not share your location information with third parties.

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