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Sharing with the communities we love

Karma is fortunate to be able to transport our members to some of the most unique countries and incredible communities in the world.

It’s an integral part of our Karma philosophy to respect and actively help the people and places in which we are located. That’s not just because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do; it’s because that’s who and what we are, a company that cares.

We’re particularly involved with charities that support childhood development, including Christel House in Bangalore and The Bali Life Foundation, providing food, education and holidays for underprivileged children. We also work with philanthropic sports projects around the world. In our view, giving back is just good Karma.

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Christel House

Based in Bangalore, India, Christel House takes a holistic approach to transforming the lives of impoverished children. The centre provides education, food and healthcare from kindergarten to graduation, helping its graduates to achieve dignity, independence and success.

Christel House was founded in 2001 and Karma is proud to have been a key supporter from the start. Over the past 14 years, we have sponsored the Food Programme, the construction of the Christel House library and the Learning Support Centre (John Spence birthday gift). Since 2002, Karma has also invited more than 150 Christel House students for a fully funded five-day holiday of a lifetime at Camp Royal.

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The Bali Life Foundation

Karma is a majority sponsor of this wonderful organisation, which strives to give hope, dignity and purpose to disadvantaged children in Bali. The foundation’s essential projects include a children’s home, a shelter for street children and a women’s centre. It also runs a sustainable farm providing food for its centres, as well as an educational programme that teaches vocational subjects such as computers, hospitality and cookery to vulnerable members of the community. 

Karma contributes both practical and financial support to the Bali Life Foundation to help it continue its valuable work. As well as direct financial contributions, we collect donations from guests and also give complimentary nights at Karma Kandara to charity auctions for this cause. Karma has also purchased school and stationary supplies, musical instruments, sports equipment and Christmas presents for the children.

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The Bali Life Foundation

Karma Refuge  : Humanitarian effort to house Ukrainian Refugees

Karma Refuge : Humanitarian effort to house Ukrainian Refugees

In March 2022, Karma Group’s founder John Spence has announced an unprecedented new campaign which will address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine. John Spence has confirmed that Karma Group will be introducing a program that sees hotels transformed into accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. Dubbed Karma Refuge, the campaign will be launched in France, and see Karma Résidence Normande, Normandy, turned into a temporary shelter for those in critical need.

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​​Karma Mayday:  Karma Group donates over £50,000 to the British Asian Trust

Making a difference in the world has always been at the core of the Karma Group’s mission. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the group has launched several initiatives in the fight against Covid19.  Just some of these include Karma May Day, Karma Frontline, the collaboration with Operation Recuperation and the recent Oxygen and Rice Drive in Bali.

This week, the Karma Group donated a £52,157 cheque to the British Asian Trust to help combat the impact of Covid19 in India. This is part of the Karma Mayday initiative that Karma Group chairman John Spence launched in May in partnership with the trust, which was founded by the Prince of Wales Trust, to raise crucial funds for India…

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​​Karma Mayday:  Karma Group donates over £50,000 to the British Asian Trust

Karma Group’s Oxygen and Rice Drive in Bali

Karma Group’s Oxygen and Rice Drive in Bali

Since the middle of July 2021, Bali has experienced an oxygen shortage and it’s getting more critical by the day because of the surge in new cases.  Karma Group is proud to be donating four double Oxygen Concentrators that will support 2 Covid19 patients eachin the Emergency Department of Udayana University Hospital in Jimbaran – nearby to three Karma Group resorts.Last month, the Karma Group launched a Rice Drive initiative in Bali.  On July 28th, representatives of Karma Group management including General Manager Sebastien Marteau, Michel Bordier, Vice President Development, and Esron Panjaitan, Regional head of Human Resources, oversaw the distribution of 476 packages of rice to several local Banjars. These included 185 packages to the Banjar Wijaya Kusuma in Ungasan, 161 packages to Banjar Ubung in Jimbaran and 65 packages to Banjar Kerta Lestari and Banjar Sari Karya.

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​​Operation Recuperation awarded a ‘Points of Light’ by Boris Johnson

More good news is that Operation Recuperation has been given a ‘Points of Light’ award by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Earlier this year, Karma Group launched the Karma Frontline Initiative in association with Operation Recuperation. The mission is to donate holidays and short breaks to NHS frontline workers to help them recover from the fight against Covid19.

To date, Karma Group has donated more than 500 overnight stays for NHS workers at Karma Salford Hall – and continues to donate holidays to frontline workers around the world.

The ‘Points of Light’ award recognises outstanding individual volunteers and people who are making a change in their community.

These are just a handful of initiatives that Karma Group has been involved in since the start of the global pandemic. We will continue to keep readers informed and updated on these initiatives in future editions.

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​​Operation Recuperation awarded a ‘Points of Light’ by Boris Johnson

CSR Food Initiative for Staff in Bali

CSR Food Initiative for Staff in Bali

On April 28th and 29th, a key team set up a food distribution point for the 98 staff residing in the nearby Wijaya Kusuma Village and Ungasan Villages.

The pause on global travel has dramatically impacted Bali and its people. Which is why the Karma Group has launched a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) food initiative to support staff and their families during these challenging times.

Present during the food distribution set up were Esron Panjaitan, Regional Head of Human Resources, Sebastien Marteau (Karma Kandara General Manager), Lucky Christian (Legal Manager), with Head of Village Community…

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Bali Vaccination Drive

Karma Group goes the extra mile in vaccinating Bali staff, families and the local community to ensure a safe return to travel.

As the world gradually gets a grip on this global pandemic, the Karma Group has been leading the way in ensuring that our staff and our guests and indeed all of our associates are safe and secure as we start to turn our attention once again to much needed vacations.

Karma Group is one of the very first hotel groups in Bali to ensure that all staff have been vaccinated. The health, safety and wellbeing of our guests is of the utmost priority for us here at Karma Group and we have been laser focused in developing protocols that allow our guests to visit our award-winning Bali resorts and other Indonesian properties …

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Bali Vaccination Drive

India’s Staff Vaccination Drive

India’s Staff Vaccination Drive

This Just In : The Karma Group’s Indian staff vaccination drive is well underway! Over the last few months, the team have been working diligently towards vaccinating all staff to ensure their safety and the safety of their families as well as our valued Members, owners and guests.

Confirms Pythia Barreto, Group H.R. India : ‘It gives us great pride to confirm that almost every one of our team across the Indian operation has received at least one dose of the vaccine. We have thus successfully created a safe work environment for our employees and safe holiday destinations for members and guests.’ …

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Yayasan Kemanusiaan Ibu Pertiwi (YKIP)

Karma staff members personally support 25 children to attend school, as part of YKIP’s Kembali project. Their individual donations help pay for uniforms, shoes, school supplies and lunch money for the children. This is just one of the inspiring initiatives by the Bali-based charity, which aims to break the cycle of poverty through education.

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Kupu-Kupu Foundation

Karma has been a sponsor of the foundation since 2003. Kupu-Kupu is the Indonesian word for butterfly, and the foundation helps to transform the lives of people with disabilities by providing medication, physiotherapy, surgery and physical aids such as wheelchairs and adapted facilities.

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Bali Children’s Project

Bali Children’s Project is dedicated to education as a means of improving the lives of disadvantaged young people. It was founded on the belief that children, empowered to realize their potential, will enrich their own lives, their villages and, subsequently, contribute to the world.

Please find out more at Bali Children’s Project.

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Bali Children’s Project

CHIA Vietnam

CHIA Vietnam

Karma Group provides ongoing support to Children’s Hope In Action (CHIA), which supports kids who face challenges like poverty, disability and exclusion. Each month, US$1000 goes toward’s CHIA’s operations, making Karma Group their key monthly supporter. These funds support daily on-site therapy for children with disabilities, chief among them being cerebral palsy.

But it’s not just cash donations – Karma Group is developing a close relationship with CHIA through Dung, who has been with the organisation since 2009. The children themselves relish the opportunity to have swimming lessons at Karma Cay Tre as well as going on excursions with us – but their absolute favourite event is the annual Karma Group Christmas party! In addition, Karma Group is helping with IT support for the CHIA website.

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Puspadi Bali

Established in 1999, Puspadi Bali is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through rehabilitation and education. The charity works with more than 3,000 individuals, many of them children, providing everything from wheelchairs to prosthetic limbs. They also support children into education and adults into the workforce. Karma Kandara sponsored Puspadi Bali’s classical music concert in 2015 and donated a fabulous stay at the resort in the charity auction.

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Karma Rottnest Channel Swim

One of Western Australia’s iconic sporting events, the Rottnest Channel Swim is sponsored by Karma. The annual event, held each February, features a 19.7km open water swim from Cottesloe Beach to Rottnest Island.

As well as being the named sponsor, Karma’s participating swim team was also the leading fundraiser in the 2015 event. The Rottnest Channel Swim Association donates money to The Royal Flying Doctor Service, Fremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Group, Leeuwin Ocean Adventure Foundation and The Starlight Children’s Foundation.

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It's an integral part of our Karma philosophy to respect and actively help the people and places in which we are located

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